Thursday, December 14, 2017

Portfolio Covers

The back of the portfolio is a drawing of the California state outline which represents where I was born at . 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sketchbook Sketches

These are some sketches in my sketchbook , a sketchbook is pretty helpful when trying to think of an idea. 

Color Theory

Even though I  had some trouble finding the right colors to use it's actually coming out pretty good.


Portfolio Cover Sketches

The outcome of these sketches weren't so bad because I added more details so that the portfolio cover would come out good. 

Object Out of Content

Shading needs to be a little darker in this but other than that it came out decent. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Subtractive Plaster Sculpture

This is an orange  and the reason why i wanted to do an apple is because i wanted to try to do a fruit because I knew that this was something simple and somewhat complex. I accidently cut a little of the top of the stem so at first it was supposed to be an apple but since i made that tiny mistake i made it seem as an orange.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Bas Relief Cardboard Sculptures

This reminds me of when i used to live in California. In California my uncle would always take us to beaches when he had his days off his work which was very fun because we would sit and relax.

Metal Tooling

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Art Critique

The author of Guernica is Pablo Picasso. The artwork is located in Muse Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain.
Guernica is a oil painting on canvas by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso completed in June 1937. In this painting it contains a bull in the top left hand corner of the drawing. In this pictures there’s also but are formed with shapes. Guernica refers to the city that was bombed by Nazi planes during the Spanish Civil War. The painting shows the scary part of the war.

Throughout the whole painting there’s is allot of repetition of the triangle shape. For example, in the top middle center the oval is surrounded with pointy triangles. Monochromatic is used in this artwork with the colors white, black and grey. In some shapes, they are filled with writings of some type of language. Many animals are also included in this drawing which can have meaning as to how scary it could’ve felt. There are also many body parts identified in this drawing which are hands , fingers, and toes and arms.

The author is trying to explain what was happening during the war when the Nazi planes bombed Guernica.  The expressions of the faces on the people in the drawing show how terrified and surprised they look like. The author has many meanings in this drawing but they all tie into one which iis the problems the people of the city. For example the face on the guy in the bottom left hand corner shows how terrifying he feels just by looking at whats happening.

This drawing wasn’t the best he has done but he was creative for using shapes to represent people faces and their expressions and symbols. I am not moved by this art work because it doesn’t really meet my criteria for the expressions and how things are happening.  This artwork would basically wouldn’t be worth allot for me. It doesn’t really show what they feel very clear.